Wednesday, March 21, 2007

He's Quitting After April Fools Day (For Real?)

Okay, Randy has a new job now. Since he wont be travelling as much, I might be able to bring this blog back to a realtime status update as it was originally promised.

We had a few beers after work, and the claim was that he would be quitting effective April 2nd.

As a slightly-related aside, as I've said twice before now....I've known Randy for over a decade now. If some superpowerful space alien had come to me 10 years ago and told me that in 10 years, Randy would manage to be, on occaision, more immature that 10-year-ago-Randy was, I would never have believed it. Not because I didn't think he was capable, but rather simply because I would have thought he'd already reached some theoretical maximum limit state.

Judging by recent stories, he's managed to blow that whole theory out of the water.

So, just for recap....

Current Status: Quitting effective April 2nd.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Update for 2007

Randy has been in the office a lot lately, and the answer appears to be: "Hell yeah, like a chimney!"

Stay tuned....
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